BassFishin.Com Store
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Premium Guide Service Subscription

Helping to Build Your Identity & Brand

The Premium Guide Service Subscription is a promotional tool for professional fishing guides that works in conjunction with BassFishin.Com's Fishing Reports section. Being a premium guide, you have the ability to effectively market and brand your guide service, strengthen your reputation, increase visibility and benefit from built-in automation.

$3/month - Recurring Charge Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by BassFishin.Com.

How soon will I be able to get started with my Premium Subscription?

You can get started utilizing your Premium Guide Service Subscription immediately after placing your order. Once your order goes through, you will be taken to an administrative section where you will enter the username you wish to use for the premium subscription. Upon assigning your subscription to your username, you will then be taken to your Account Manager where you can begin uploading your logo, filling out the details and descriptions of your guide service, etc. Once you are happy with the look of your advertisement, you can then click a button to 'Activate' your ad to make it go live. You will find ample instructions through this process and it won't take long at all to complete.

How would I go about cancelling my subscription at a later date?

The Premium Guide Service Subscription is billed automatically every month. You can choose to cancel your subscription and stop the charge cycle at anytime. Simply email or call us with your request and we will cancel the renewal of your services. No fine print and no games here!

What should I do if I accidentally close my browser or something goes awry after placing the order and I don't see the page where I assign my subscription to my username?

As long as you don't close your browser after processing the payment, you should have no problems continuing on with the setup process. But if you do run into any problems or something goes awry, simply give us a call and we'll help you get back on track. We'll be there to help!