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Old 10-11-05, 03:17 PM   #20
BassFishin.Com Veteran Member
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Hudson Valley, N.Y.
Posts: 718

sam,we don't have to agree on politics!!!!
Dodge, how well do you float without a vest!

no matter how twisted the idea if it works then it aint crazy..
.... and Gary Y is counting his money all the way to the bank!

I use a candle flame to attach even the tiniest of parts to the body, such as the shad paddle to a Fin S Fin. I use the soldering iron to smooth the seam where the parts meet to strengthen the fused area on the surface. Very important! The two on the left have phenomenal action!

Sat. I realized I was low on 2" Slider Grubs and made a dozen for Sun. using a small crappie grub, body and the tail from a 1" Sassy Shad (of which I have a thousand lying around). Gander is a half hour away and my truck get 14 mpg, plus our county tax is 8.25%. On Sun. I caught over 40 eating-size yellow perch, a few bass and 4 picks on them. I'd say the effort was worth my time and money saved since it only took less than 20 minutes to make a dozen.

I was also running low on soft sticks in a frost color and whipped out 6 in 8 minutes. They caught 3 keeper lm. I didn't have any Zoom 3.5" dark chunk baits and whipped out 6 in 8 minutes. Used as trailers to the jigs I tied Sat. pm, I caught most of my larger bass on them.(6 lm)

You'd be amazed at how easy and satisfying it is to make some of you own baits, and with the high price of gas, tax or shipping, much cheaper and conventient. Unique colors are also possible and usually not found anyplace. And as Zooker said, "if it works then it aint crazy!"

Here are a few jigs I tied and added a Sweet Beaver k/o by Black Magic Plastics:

Here's an example of a wild color scheme (fire tiger) that worked in spring:

Last edited by senkosam; 10-11-05 at 03:25 PM.
senkosam is offline   Reply With Quote

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