How To Texas Rig
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Gamakatsu EWG Hooks
Gamakatsu makes great hooks and their EWG is the most versatile soft-plastic hook for texas rigging. The most used sizes are 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0. That will cover a wide variety of size baits.
Gamakatsu EWG Hooks
Available at these trusted retailers:

Also available at Monster Fishing Tackle.

How To Tie A Texas Rig

In this video, Kevin shows you how to properly rig and tie a texas rig bait. This proven and time-tested rig is one of the most versatile techniques for everything from flipping mats to fishing toads on top of the water. This is a "must learn" rig for every serious bass angler, and Kevin will give you some great tips and advice on how to texas rig correctly.

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Let's learn how to tie a texas rig worm. For the sake of demonstration, I'm going to be using a 12" plastic worm, but just to let you know, I don't fish a 12" worm very often, I just thought it would be easier to show on camera. So first things first, you want to tie on an extra wide-gap worm hook, a regular offset worm hook, or even a straight shank worm hook. Then, take your plastic bait and you want to insert the hook point down and through the top of the plastic bait. Once you get to around the first bend of the hook, simply push the hook point out and through the bottom of the bait. Now slide the worm up onto the hook and twist it until it rests firmly on the neck of the hook. You will see that the neck of the hook is what prevents the worm from sliding down the hook. Now, he is a neat tip on how to tell where to insert the hook back into the worm to complete the texas rig. Simply hold the hook so the hook point is facing straight up into the air and let the worm fall straight down next to it. When you do this, you will see where the natural point of entry is for the texas rig. Now take your worm and insert the hook point into the bottom of that area, and come straight through from the bottom to top. Now to make it weedless, I do what's called "texposing", where you embed the hook point back into the top of the bait slightly, almost skin-hooked, so that the hook point is not exposed to snags. That way it is completely weedless and you get a lot better hooksets with that setup. And that's it. That is how to tie a texas rig.

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