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Old 10-17-08, 02:34 PM   #126
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But it is McCain who has already given up. He is not a real conservative. He even thought about leaving the party a few years back. Well he did leave the party, in some respects.

When he suggested that the government refinance mortgages according to current home values my jaw dropped. Trotsky would be proud.
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Old 10-17-08, 02:36 PM   #127
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When Truman was running. They had already printed Dewy wins in all the papers. Thatz how close that election was. Obama has 1 struggle yet to overcome. Will all these democrats cast a ballot for a black man. History has shown public support before in other offices. But when people went behind curtain. They could'nt stomach to support a blackman.
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Old 10-17-08, 03:17 PM   #128
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Default one truly knows who everyone is going to vote for....people may say one thing and turn around a change their mind while in line to vote....
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Old 10-17-08, 03:29 PM   #129
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Well that could happen, it would mean 2 things though...

1.) This country is still racist. I hope it isnt.

2.) We get 4 more years of a fake conservative republican and the GOP isnt forced to reorganize even though it is obvious it needs to do so.
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Old 10-17-08, 03:42 PM   #130
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Well that could happen, it would mean 2 things though...

1.) This country is still racist. I hope it isnt.

2.) We get 4 more years of a fake conservative republican and the GOP isnt forced to reorganize even though it is obvious it needs to do so.

ANd if it don't then it means....

1) This country is still racist. I hope it isnt.

2) We get 4 years of a unexperienced and ignorant democrat....

To clarify, I am not in any way calling him stupid...he is a very intellectual man...the reason i am saying unexperienced, is because he has not been in congress long, and the reason i say ignorant, because he has not been in congress that long....he has not been around long enough to understand whats going on....and also, you are ignorant if you believe that just by having a talk with every counrty and terriosts group that you can have a nuclear free world....
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Old 10-17-08, 03:57 PM   #131
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JCW, clearly Obama being elected is a bad thing. I just find it depressing that I am supposed to be "hoping" for McCain to pull a Truman.
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Old 10-17-08, 03:58 PM   #132
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Ok, so to recap were either getting


For president.
But at least we dont have to put up with

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Old 10-17-08, 04:20 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by jcw1503 View Post
Obama’s middle name is Hussein which is a Muslim name.
There's a guy at my church named Shakir Hussein. He taught my 5th grade sunday school class. His oldest son was the person that convinced me to get baptized. His daughter is a sweet girl, and studying at GA tech. His wife is a friend of my Mom's. But they have a Muslim name.

Not voting for someone on the basis of their middle name is ignorance at its finest. Dislike his tax policies, or his lack of experience, but Obama is not a terrorist.
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Old 10-17-08, 07:11 PM   #134
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Hey Guys way back when in the beginning of this thread. It was stated that if Senator Obama was elected president of this country, he would take away our guns and fishing equipment. That idea/statement was kinda shot down. Well one point I wanted to make in my long winded introduction was that the new President of The United States will most likely be replacing one perhaps two, maybe even more Justices of the Supreme Court. If the president is a Democrat, those appointments will most likely be left of center and will most likely be against guns and fishing. Before you read any further, close your eyes and take a look, in your mind, at your family. Do you have children, how old are they? How about your parents, your wife, husband? Why? Because if the Supreme Court is changed in the next year or so, it will most likely STAY THAT WAY FOR THE NEXT 40 YEARS OR SO. So that 5 year old that you are taking fishing next weekend, or that 10 year old who is looking forward to his/her first deer hunt. Will be 45 – 50 years old before the court would change again.
What kind of country do you want to leave your children? Senator McCain would most likely appoint a conservative or at least a less liberal to the court.
Guys: I strongly fear that if Senator Obama is elected President of the United States of America, and does appoint justices to court, guns, fishing, freedom of speech and a number of other “Rights” will be removed from the American landscape. Some of you said it yourselves just a few posts up. We are already being told what cars to drive, how to be greener, what lights need to be put into our lamps. Well, the president cannot do all of that stuff. We can always vote him/her out of office in 4 years if we are not happy with them, or at the most 8 years. The courts need to be watched. This country has worked on checks and balances for a couple hundred years. What happens, if/when the Democrats have control of the Presidential Office, the Supreme Court, the House of Representatives and the Senate, add to the above no worry about a “filibuster” and whatever they want they get.
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Old 10-17-08, 08:36 PM   #135
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Ranger, not that I have a problem with your views, but I want to call that what it is.


Its not you thats doing it, but the Republican party. Every time they promote someone who is not a good candidate, they justify it by saying the other guy is worse. Well we have had 8 years of Bush, and his supreme court nominees didn't overturn Roe or do anything. We need to stop allowing them to blackmail us. We need to first take the GOP back and then the country. We can't do that if McCain is elected.

This obama thing will hurt, but we will be better for this. Like Carter leading to Reagan.
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Old 10-17-08, 09:56 PM   #136
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If Senator Obama is elected President, he leaves office in 4 or 8 years, sooner if he is impeached (very doubtful) but the court stays. That is my concern. Do not kid your self my friend. When a judge creates laws from the bench and no one can oppose him/her or that law, the country will be in deep do do. Call it what you want. Black Mail Reality whatever.
It is like that old baseball joke (substitute Justices for umpires)
3 Umpires are having dinner:
1st umpire says "some are balls, some are strikes, I call them the way I see them."
2nd umpire says "some are strikes, some are balls, I call them the way I see them."
3rd umpire looks at the other two and says, “They ain’t nothing until I call them!”
How do we take back the Grand Old Party if Senator Obama is elected President? I don't see a Republican Conservative out there, strong enough to win. Except perhaps Michael Savage.
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Old 10-17-08, 10:05 PM   #137
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Oh and as a side note, my son is so conservative, that he makes Rush look like Justice Ginsberg. When he was at the Sarah Palin rally last week or so in Fl. He met her after wards and was not very impressed. He liked her as a person but her speech left him and his buddies a little flat.
That bummed me out, I was behind her all the way!
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Old 10-17-08, 10:17 PM   #138
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The problem is the GOP has become overrun with politicians whose first goal is to get elected, not do a good job. They have little attachment to conservative principles.

McCain is an example of this mentality.

If McCain loses as badly as it looks he may, it will be a direct refutation of this tendency in the GOP. Such a refutation will have to be addressed, and it will - by conservatives and libertarians. As long as business has been good for the GOP, they had no reason to change, but now that things have gone south for the party they are gonna have to come up with something new.
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Old 10-17-08, 10:27 PM   #139
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If they are forced to come up with a new mentality or way of operating what views do you think they will lean towards . The problem with most conservative views is they want the world to stay the way it was 50 years ago and everything else bothers them and most liberal views make you think that there is nothing they won't let slide . Were do we draw the line as towards what is and isn't acceptable as a country while still observing civil liberties and human rights ? There are things I as a person am willing to say that I have no control over and try not to let those happenings affect my life , the problem we now face is that no matter which side we pick it will be a turn for the worse and I don't think we can wait 4 to 8 years for the leader we need to this country out of it's funk to emerge , in the process of how our Government works we have lost the right to say enough is enough and are stuck picking fro sub par options .

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Old 10-17-08, 10:44 PM   #140
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Jim thats a good question.

Here is the problem with conservatism under the old Reagan coalition; it is stuffy and close minded. I'm talking social and religious conservatism that is somehow incorrectly bundled with the party of limited government. Many social conservatives are OK with Government interference as long as the gov't happens to uphold their mores. That turns young people off. They see it as a bunch of people telling them how to live their lives, and it contradicts the time old Republican motto that the government which governs best governs least.

So what now? Keep the motto the government which governs best governs least. Thats your core principle.

But along with that, incorporate social libertarianism. The idea that as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else, you are free to do as you wish without gov't intervention.

This will do a few things. First, it will make the GOP the party of the young people. The newer generations are smart. They can see which way the wind blows. They are scared ****less of social security, an agressive military industrial complex, federal oversight into every nook and cranny of personal life. The democrats, being the party of large government will never be able to appeal to the libertarian masses which in essence are composed of the most fertile mass of independent voters anywhere. You know that Ron Paul guy? Well he wasnt just popular with Republicans, he had more democrats and more lefties supporting him than even the "centrist" McCain. Thats what libertarianism will do for the GOP, it will simultaneously give it the ability to court independents and it will energize a base in a way consistent with the Party's core beliefs of small government.
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Old 10-17-08, 11:05 PM   #141
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I still think our days of small government have long since departed and it's most likely something that we will never see again . One of our main problems as a society right know is we hold no one accountable at the highest levels for their actions weather it be in government, business, or the religious world . We have completely lowered our standards as towards the intelligence required to do our most important jobs . And over the years government and politics have become more of a club that holds memberships with big business rather than a system that is by the people and for the people . WTL you by anyone's standards are an intelligent person , how many times have you found yourself giving up on conversations because others couldn't keep up ? Most likely more than you would care to think of if I am on target . And the fact that a statement like that can hold water is disturbing as towards what the leadership of this country will end up looking like years down the road . Personally I would love to be able to see honest people be able to stand a chance in government but we have a system that requires a certain level of corruptness in order for any success at those levels and in order to see any real changes big business needs to be kicked out of politics . People are concerned about the economy and rightfully so but if we don't stop raising morons for children we will be damned to be stuck in a cycle of everlasting mediocrity .

just my $.02

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Old 10-17-08, 11:15 PM   #142
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I worry that I could be wrong, that all I am hoping for could be a pipe dream. But the alternative is awful, so I guess I'm gonna go out swinging away at my pipe dream until I am proven that limited gov't is gone forever.
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Old 10-17-08, 11:36 PM   #143
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Yeah the alternative is awful no doubt about that . but I'm going to sleep now gotta fish in the am I'll add more to the pile later tomorrow .

In memory of Zooker 1/11/73-7/2/2010. You will be sorely missed and never forgotten.
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Old 10-18-08, 08:15 AM   #144
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FL one again:

"And yeah, right after he came out, I definitely support giving him that money. But right now, he is obviously not hurting for cash, and there's guys comin back from Iraq that need the money a lot worse. I think that the honorable thing to do would definitely be to give the money back."

Tell that to Joe Biden or Barrack, who collectively have made 6.5 million dollars in the last 5 years.
Joe Biden gave what 3,000 dollars of his 2.5 mill to charity..
And John McCain has to give his back??? That is socialism!!!!
Man FL you really are killing me.
Got time to breathe, got time to fish!

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Old 10-18-08, 08:44 AM   #145
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Jim and WTL very good conversation.
The system is corrupt and other than a revolution, I don't see it changing either.
If they would put term limits on Congress. It would help.
The whole situation is frustrating, but life will go on if Obama is elected.
Just as it did with Bill and Hill, it just makes for better discussion.
Life for normal people will change very little. (I hope)
Got time to breathe, got time to fish!
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Old 10-18-08, 12:41 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Bo Dale James Jr. View Post
FL one again:

"And yeah, right after he came out, I definitely support giving him that money. But right now, he is obviously not hurting for cash, and there's guys comin back from Iraq that need the money a lot worse. I think that the honorable thing to do would definitely be to give the money back."

Tell that to Joe Biden or Barrack, who collectively have made 6.5 million dollars in the last 5 years.
Joe Biden gave what 3,000 dollars of his 2.5 mill to charity..
And John McCain has to give his back??? That is socialism!!!!
Man FL you really are killing me.
Thats money they earned, sort of McCain has made about 2.5 mill in the last 5 years, not counting his wife. Pick an equally rich republican, and BAM, you're at 6.5 million. Let him keep his senate salary, all of cindy's money, the money from his book sales. Book sales and senate alone add up to 338,216. And I don't support TAKING any of it from him. But I believe that if I made 338,000 a year, plus my wife was worth 10 or 20 large, and I was running for president and trying to portray a "maverick" image, I wouldn't collect on my social security. Does someone worth multimillions need to collect the same social security as the old cat lady down the street? I'm just sayin that the SS system is very flawed, and all politicians care about is money. Does it make you happy that an amount that is probably more than you pay in taxes for a few years goes directly into John McCains pocket? That pisses me off, personally.

Wtl, I agree totally. When America was founded, it was intended for the government to fight neccesary wars, protect liberties, and build some roads. A certain portion of the roads were expected to be private, and you would pay to use them. Pure capitalism. I believe that maybe someday we can get back to that, but I think that a major factor in all this ( on a non governmental scale, but its the same idea) is the concept of liability. The idea that I can buy a blender from you, and if I am stupid enough to put my hand in it, I can sue your company and the store that sold it to me, because it doesn't explicitly warn against that. Or if I'm hunting on your property, and I fall out of a tree. Your fault. Until we as a people get over that, America will remain broken......
R.I.P. Zooker
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Old 10-18-08, 01:41 PM   #147
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I think that a major factor in all this ( on a non governmental scale, but its the same idea) is the concept of liability.
It might be the primary factor in it. If the government isnt gonna nanny people, then obviously someone will have to. In the past, it was personal responsibility that took up the slack. In part e are gonna have to do a better job raising our kids to be responsible. Thats another silver lining to the economic and political struggles we face. The greatest generation came out of the depression. Tough times make good people. Machiavelli even gives an example in the Discourses where he observes some countries where it is a little tougher to farm and create wealth have more success cause excesses elude them, they are forced to be good people.
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Old 10-18-08, 01:46 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by WTL View Post
Machiavelli even gives an example in the Discourses where he observes some countries where it is a little tougher to farm and create wealth have more success cause excesses elude them, they are forced to be good people.
I remember that part......Another thing, from an economic standpoint, that could be carried into politics, is the idea of an invisible hand. Had we not bailed out some of those companies, houses would have been lost, people would have had to move around, and stuff would have sucked. But people would have lost dependence on the government, and a lot of millionaires would have been made in the real estate market in 5 or 10 years........Maybe. I'm not an economist by any means, but thats how I see it.
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Old 10-18-08, 02:17 PM   #149
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Well it pretty much sucks right know anyways , and the last 6 years have seen many millionairs made from the reality market , hence the major crash and morgatge scandles that have rocked our economy . The worst thing that would have been lost if those companies weren't bailed out would have been peoples life savings , 401k's and the likes of that leading to a little more than people having to move around .

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Old 10-18-08, 02:53 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by Bo Dale James Jr. View Post
Jim and WTL very good conversation.
The system is corrupt and other than a revolution, I don't see it changing either.
If they would put term limits on Congress. It would help.
The whole situation is frustrating, but life will go on if Obama is elected.
Just as it did with Bill and Hill, it just makes for better discussion.
Life for normal people will change very little. (I hope)

Bo I don't know if a revolution is the anwser I would like to see a credible party emerge that is sperate from the democrate/rebulican debacle with a way of thinking that was truely for the benifit of the American people , but I don't think there is anyone considering a career i politics that has the stones to go against the grain and really try to make a change .

In memory of Zooker 1/11/73-7/2/2010. You will be sorely missed and never forgotten.
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