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Old 10-12-08, 01:35 PM   #26
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I drive a 1996 F-150 4x4 with a V8 and mud tires. Get 13 miles a gallon. So nobody told me what to do. And fluorescent lights make more sense. They use less energy and last longer, for a little more price. If you want to have incandescent bulbs, feel free. If you want to go flourescent, and on January 1st of every year set 200 bucks on fire to make up for energy savings, feel free. If you want to buy fishin stuff, that works too.

Still workin on findin Bill Clinton hunting. But the man grew up in Arkansas, and I do remember hearing people talking about him hunting.

As for Jimmy Carter, he was a peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia, a little po-dunk town about 2 hours from where I live. He still teaches Sunday school up there. He recieved the Outdoor Life conservation award, which is a pretty big deal. Read this:

Does he sound like an outdoorsman now? He was just a good ole boy from Georgia. As for "arguably the worst president ever," I'd argue that we're lookin at him right now.....No gas lines cause its 4.00 a gallon, a bailout of rich folks that's probably gonna cost taxpayers a trillion dollars, and a war that is embarrassing us. I heard a guy say that the reason oil is so expensive is because OPEC no longer fears us. We're involved in Iraq, and we can't force them to provide cheap oil, so why should Saudi Arabia worry?
Abortion and gay marriage are legal, prayer isn't in schools, and everything is a mess.

I'm not taking any of this personally, and I hope I'm not offending anyone. I just have slightly more democratic views than most of yall.
R.I.P. Zooker
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Old 10-12-08, 07:37 PM   #27
Bo Dale James Jr.
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"And fluorescent lights make more sense. They use less energy and last longer, for a little more price. If you want to have incandescent bulbs, feel free. If you want to go flourescent, and on January 1st of every year set 200 bucks on fire to make up for energy savings, feel free. If you want to buy fishin stuff, that works too."

Sure the savings are there. But incandescent bulbs cost .25 cents each.
The new fluorescent bulbs cost about 2.50 each.

I'm not saying they don't make sense.
I'm saying in 2010 you have no choice.
What about small lights like in a lamp post or ceiling fan...can't buy incandescent and minis won't fit.
So you spend hundreds of dollars replacing fixtures and again the government has arbitrarily decided you can't buy the light bulbs you want.

As for cars the new CAFE standards require 27+ miles per gallon and that limits size and choice of vehicles, so what I am trying to say government is the problem.

The “Energy Policy Conservation Act,” enacted into law by Congress in 1975, added Title V, “Improving Automotive Efficiency,” to the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act and established CAFE standards for passenger cars and light trucks. The near-term goal was to double new car fuel economy by model year 1985.
Thereafter, in MY 1990, the passenger car standard was amended to 27.5 mpg, which it has remained at this level.
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Old 10-12-08, 07:58 PM   #28
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No gas lines cause its 4.00 a gallon, a bailout of rich folks that's probably gonna cost taxpayers a trillion dollars, and a war that is embarrassing us. I heard a guy say that the reason oil is so expensive is because OPEC no longer fears us. We're involved in Iraq, and we can't force them to provide cheap oil, so why should Saudi Arabia worry?
Abortion and gay marriage are legal, prayer isn't in schools, and everything is a mess.

A trillion dollar bailout, That John McCain warned the Dem's about in 2005.
He tried to pass legislation to stop the greed at Fanny and Freddie.
Franklin Raines a prominent figure in Obama's campaign was the recipient of 90 million dollars as Fanny went down the tubes, under his leadership.

Remember the Dem's are in charge of Congress and the Senate.
They make the laws.
Dem's are in favor of Abortion, late term abortion and Barrack himself voted against saving a baby that has lived after a botched abortion because it would "punish the mother" and eliminate her choice.
Who is for gay marriage? Not "conservatives who hold to their religion and guns".
But again Liberals who believe we should teach sex ed to 5 yr. olds. And not just hetro sex ed. but gay sex ed. too. Tolerance is a key democratic talking point...tolerance to gays.

And who was this expert on Saudi oil relations?
The below statement is from MSNBC...a liberal cable station.

"OPEC says
it has lost control
of oil prices
Cartel producers say they can't
keep up with strong global demand"
By John W. Schoen
Senior producer
updated 4:13 p.m. CT, Wed., March. 16, 2005

PS I am not offended and I hope you aren't we are just having a discussion.
Your argument for Jimmy Carter being a rube, hick peanut farming fisherman holds water.
(no offense just a lame attempt at humor)
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Old 10-12-08, 08:00 PM   #29
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All that does is make new cars more efficient. If you want to drive a gas guzzler, pick one up used. Or buy a truck.

And we have flourescents in our lamps and ceiling fans......They're just smaller. There's always the option of stockpiling incandescents prior to 2010......
R.I.P. Zooker
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Old 10-12-08, 08:17 PM   #30
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A trillion dollar bailout, That John McCain warned the Dem's about in 2005.
He tried to pass legislation to stop the greed at Fanny and Freddie.
Franklin Raines a prominent figure in Obama's campaign was the recipient of 90 million dollars as Fanny went down the tubes, under his leadership.

In 2005, the Republicans still had congress. The Democrats came in in 2006. Republicans deregulated the market, and doubled the national debt. Thats a real number. Somebody is gonna have to pay that back, and if we don't take care of it soon, we're gonna start losing power.

Remember the Dem's are in charge of Congress and the Senate.
They make the laws.
Dem's are in favor of Abortion, late term abortion and Barrack himself voted against saving a baby that has lived after a botched abortion because it would "punish the mother" and eliminate her choice.
Who is for gay marriage? Not "conservatives who hold to their religion and guns".

John McCain, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush can talk till they're blue in the face about how conservative they are, but the fact that everything I mentioned above is legal shows how much the Republicans are doing.

But again Liberals who believe we should teach sex ed to 5 yr. olds. And not just hetro sex ed. but gay sex ed. too. Tolerance is a key democratic talking point...tolerance to gays.

Liberals is a pretty broad term. Obama himself has said that he has no intention of teaching Sex ed to young children. He has young daughters, and is, according to John McCain, "A decent, family man."

And who was this expert on Saudi oil relations?
The below statement is from MSNBC...a liberal cable station.

"OPEC says
it has lost control
of oil prices
Cartel producers say they can't
keep up with strong global demand"
By John W. Schoen
Senior producer
updated 4:13 p.m. CT, Wed., March. 16, 2005

Again, 2005. And the expert was David Jeremiah, he runs turning point industries, its a point he makes in "What in the World is going on?" a book he wrote. He says, in a few more words, that while America is still the greatest nation in the world, we are no longer as "bad" as we used to be, due to Vietnam and Iraq.....

Your argument for Jimmy Carter being a rube, hick peanut farming fisherman holds water.

Thank you. He is a rube, hick, peanut farming fisherman

Bill Clinton duck hunts. And grew up hunting.

Nother dang good piece of writing. This time by, you guessed it, the Antichrist himself, Bill Clinton.
R.I.P. Zooker

Last edited by flbassman; 10-12-08 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 10-12-08, 11:07 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by flbassman View Post
Like I said, I don't support the ban. But I see where it's comin from. And yeah, people kill people, but you can kill a lot more people with a full auto machine gun with a 1000 round shell belt than with a hatchet. I say, just no full auto, and let everybody carry. It'd be messy for a few weeks, then it'd settle down. And bring back the public hanging......

It would be more fun with the hatchet though , just for the utter look of shock on bystanders faces

In memory of Zooker 1/11/73-7/2/2010. You will be sorely missed and never forgotten.
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Old 10-13-08, 01:50 PM   #32
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I believe that aside from his affair, Clinton was a good guy.
You obviously never had any personal dealings with him. I met him a half a dozen times. He (and Hilary) are two of the most arrogant, self-centered people I have ever met.

Al Gore, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He was a genuinely nice guy. I think he is blowing global warming all out of proportion, but he was at least nice to the people assigned to protect him.
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Old 10-13-08, 03:08 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Nitro911 View Post
You obviously never had any personal dealings with him. I met him a half a dozen times. He (and Hilary) are two of the most arrogant, self-centered people I have ever met.
This is very true, my father works in homeland security and has many friends who are secret service who have all said that the Clinton's were complete A-holes....these same guys say that Bush is one of the most sincere president's they have ever worked for...Bush knows all of them by name (unlike the clintons) and is known for giving them un-scheduled time off to spend with their families...

Anyways, looks like the Obama media polls are showing a big lead..I'm still voting REP....hopefully this is not our future!
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Old 10-13-08, 03:44 PM   #34
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THis is to doc and others who believe that republicans caused the economy to all have been influenced by tv and believe what you here...I am not saying republicans are free from blame on everything, no body is perfect...however, one o the biggest reasons that the economy is so bad is because of financial institutions like Fannie Mae....THere were no regulations over them...I am not saying for the government to control them...however, they needed regulations....They told banks that it was ok to lend the money to people to buy houses they could not really afford, and that they would cover them if they foreclosed...however, after all these bank loans foreclosed they could not cover them all, so eventually they went out along with other financial institutions...Thus causing banks to go under or be in a very bad situation...thus stop lending to lower crdit scores and also to small business' and larger bussiness'...thus causing a hault in the economy and then became a down fall...and thats what you see today...bussiness closing becaus they can not borrow money....If you do your research instead of listening to the democrats...the republicans tried numerous and numerous times to pt regulations over the financial instituation and banks, however the democrats blocked it....Yeah, its a good idea to help people be able to afford homes...but it is crazy to lend money for a person to buy a 300,000 dollar home who makes 15,000 dollars a year...if you can not afford it then you can't afford it......And do you know why the democrats blocked it...because of money....the money differitiation between democrats and reopublicans from the financial institutions is, ready for this around 85% to 15% if not more.........Just don't listen to tv... do your research...OH, by the way if you stop the tax cuts on the oil companies and do not drill anymore for the oil, how in the world does obama expect that he can lower gas prices...THank about it...they have the same supply if not less and it is going to cost them more...hmmmm... thus we pay more!!!!I am going to stop here because i can go on for hours!!!
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Old 10-13-08, 04:09 PM   #35
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Seems here that Republicans pushed Clinton to deregulate... that's the Republican claim to fame, no government interference in business......I don't watch TV, except football and occasionally the office. Not real political stuff......I'm influenced by facts. The republicans jacked the economy up, and anybody who wouldn't make out with Rush Limbaugh will tell you that. If you look at my previous posts, I've "done my research".

My father shook Clinton's hand, said he was a nice guy. On the other hand, he went on a trade mission to Mexico with Jeb Bush, before he was governor, and Jeb wouldn't say a word to him or anybody other than his big money buddies........

As for Jeremiah Wright, I don't believe what he said was that out of line. Jesus called down woe on Capernaum, and Jeruselam, due to their wickedness. When he says, "God Damn America," he is not saying that he hates America, he is just saying that we should not expect blessing for legislation that flies in the face of scripture. We have funded terrorism throughout the world, we put the Taliban in power and put down democratic rebellions in the Congo.....Have you heard the full sermon, not the youtube mashup? Here you go-
R.I.P. Zooker
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Old 10-13-08, 04:16 PM   #36
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Just to back what jasonfish said I have a Dear friend retired 25 years Secret Service. who served under many different Presidents and he also said the Clintons were pr!cks as far as Mr. Wrights sermon my Bible plainly says not to take the Lords name in vain so I am not to impressed with him saying GD twice in 10 seconds. If you wanna say that in church please word it differently. Just my .02.
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Old 10-13-08, 04:23 PM   #37
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I grew up reading the King James. Jesus said- "Woe to you Scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! For ye devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." Matthew 23:14. "Damn" when not used as an exclamation, means the same thing as "condemn," and that is how the NIV translates that verse.
R.I.P. Zooker
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Old 10-13-08, 04:46 PM   #38
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Here is Mr. Clinton hunting LOL....
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Old 10-13-08, 05:03 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by flbassman View Post
When he says, "God Damn America," he is not saying that he hates America, he is just saying that we should not expect blessing for legislation that flies in the face of scripture. We have funded terrorism throughout the world, we put the Taliban in power and put down democratic rebellions in the Congo.....Have you heard the full sermon, not the youtube mashup? Here you go-

When he says "God Damn America" I'm pretty sure he means exactly that...anyone who uses that phrase cannot possibly want to be an American, I don't care what platform...think about it...our country was founded under principles that all reflect a sincere relationship with god..."In God we Trust", "One nation under GOD", "GOD BLESS AMERICA"......and as far hypocrites go, Rev. Wright is one of the biggest...I've watched his entire sermon and to listen to him go on and on about the rich white people & black people & how evil greed is, meanwhile he lives in a 1.6Million dollar home...FLBassman, I'm glad that we can have a difference of opinion because otherwise this wouldn't be america
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Old 10-13-08, 05:06 PM   #40
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I find it funny that no one has mentioned the tax breaks during war time by the current bushwacked administration. Name another time in history that has happend. People are slamming clinton for the home for everyone but not slamming the policies in this administration that took advantage of that. How many people that were financed in the clinton years are the ones loosing their houses, not many. Its the ones financed in the LOW intrest rate adjustable mortgage terms of this administration that are causing the trouble.
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Old 10-13-08, 05:14 PM   #41
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Not getting a locked rate is just asking for trouble.
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Old 10-13-08, 05:28 PM   #42
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Did Wright mean that he wished God would condemn America by that statement?

Cause that wouldn't be very nice. As a country we have erred (not sinned -that is a personal word) - but to wish condemnation on our Nation seems to be an awful thing to say.
Selling live waterdogs for less since 2005.
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Old 10-13-08, 06:46 PM   #43
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For the record, the hunting party managed to fell only one duck in today's 16-degree cold. Mr. Clinton, who was carrying a borrowed 12-gauge Winchester shotgun and wearing camouflage and waders, said Mr. Brewster shot it; others said the duck was felled by the President's shot, the only one he took during the hunting trip.

He was carrying a BORROWED 12 gauge...a photo op, that is all this was. He is not a sportsman based on this.

Again, 2005. And the expert was David Jeremiah, he runs turning point industries, its a point he makes in "What in the World is going on?" a book he wrote. He says, in a few more words, that while America is still the greatest nation in the world, we are no longer as "bad" as we used to be, due to Vietnam and Iraq.....

I could have found a newer resource for the discussion, but I chose to use the MSNBC article because no right bias could be accused

Dr. David Jeremiah is a pastor and a wonderful one at that. But he is not a foreign relations expert or an expert on OPEC, that is just his opinion.

Bill Clinton isn't called "Slick Willy" for nothing

I was raised a Southern Baptist. I used to wonder why the Republicans hated me so much. I'm kind of nice and accommodating. I even go duck hunting once a year. I think it's because I'm supposed to be some sort of apostate - a white, southern,

I think the discussion could go on forever.
I basically dislike Bill Clinton for who he is, character wise.
You make good arguments for your side but we will always see polar opposite on politics.
So, no point in using up all the good resources for a discussion.
I hear the Internet is 33% used up, and we Conservatives are the reason for that too.
Maybe Chairman Maobama can get us some more Internet from Pokistan. (not a typo)
Jimmy Carter.. I just don't really care that much about him, he's a one trick pony. And is not politically relevant.

flbassman I do respect your opinions and your decorum during the discussion
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Old 10-13-08, 06:55 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by flbassman View Post
All that does is make new cars more efficient. If you want to drive a gas guzzler, pick one up used. Or buy a truck.

And we have flourescents in our lamps and ceiling fans......They're just smaller. There's always the option of stockpiling incandescents prior to 2010......

I have the minis in some of my fixtures.
I just don't like the way we are being dictated to by the knee jerk evironmentalist movement.

The minis have mercury in them and that is a hazard.

And if Lorrie David can say we would conserve enough energy to take 8 million cars off the road by using minis.
When people like herself live in mansions with inground pools, saunas and wine cellars.
But hey we can save the planet by changing a light bulb....hypocrites!

Just like Al Gore in his private Jet and huge mansion that uses more energy in a month than I use in a year...hypocrite!
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Old 10-13-08, 08:17 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by WTL View Post
Did Wright mean that he wished God would condemn America by that statement?

Cause that wouldn't be very nice. As a country we have erred (not sinned -that is a personal word) - but to wish condemnation on our Nation seems to be an awful thing to say.

I agree, in that way it would be awful. But I think he means that in a specific reference, in that we cannot kill a child, and then ask for Blessings. He is saying we should be blessed, and in order to do that, we need to turn around. This was never meant to be a political statement, it was meant to be something to inspire a black congregation.....

Again, I realize that I have different views than most people here, but as Voltaire (french sonofa......never mind) said "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend, to the death, your right to say it."*
Thats what makes this America, and it takes both sides, otherwise we'd all be either driving tanks or VW buses with rainbow flags

*I payed attention in English class once or twice
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Old 10-14-08, 08:19 AM   #46
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Just a thought....I grew up in a christian atmosphere my whole life.....if i am not mistaken what kind of a preacher uses the Lord's Name in Vein...If he was meaning condemned then say condemned...
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Old 10-14-08, 11:54 AM   #47
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Rev. (If you can call him that) Wright is part of the problem not the solution. I dont care what the majority of his sermons are about, preaching hate, calling for the damnation of our country, and still blaming the White man (wich has no place in todays society) are not things a "SPIRITUAL LEADER" Does.

Whenever I see a Black man preaching aginst the White man, I Immediatly ask myself if that statement he just made was reversed would the white man that said it be shunned. In most cases its yes, I grew up in a society where "all men are created equal" I do not remember segregation, slavery was not my fault, I am from the deep south "so what". I do not feel guilty. In my lifetime the man that has to watch out for what he says, is the White Man. The resentment or anger I feel is not because of the color of ones skin, it is because of the actions of that said person. If said person happens to be black then he can say and preach whatever and its ok, if he is white, and makes a comment "nappy headed hoes" intended to be funny to a target audience , villagers want his head on a stick, and get it. That is racism, but not the kind still being preached by MR. Wright.
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Old 10-14-08, 12:52 PM   #48
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I totally agree with you doc....I was not here for segregation...I was not involved in slavery....Do i believe slavery was right, heck NO, but it had nothing to do with me.....I have grown up my whole like in which every man is created equal, black, white, orange, yellow, blue, whatever....and it makes me angry when it is brought up....i can get mad at you no matter what color it is, i have i get mad at the person and their actions not their color.....I am from the deep south too, however, i have black and white friends....some of my closets friends are black.....but i see him as a friend not a black friend....Thats what gets me about this election...its turning into a black and white thing....I am not being racists, but as its been discuss elsewhere before...Others words not mine, however, i wonder this too...If Obama was a white guy, with a regular name, would he even be this far in the election...THe answer is NO, because he has the least amount of experience than anyone ever has....THats what gets me...the racism him....I am not voting for Obama for many reasons...and its not because he is Black...I know of some black politicians that would be a better president than McCain....however...for those who is voting for Obama because he is black...than thats just bringing in racism...ANd DOC you are right...If a white man would of said the things the So called REv.Wright said but the opposite...then he would be shunned away and lucky to survive a week...
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Old 10-14-08, 05:00 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by doc View Post
Rev. (If you can call him that) Wright is part of the problem not the solution. I dont care what the majority of his sermons are about, preaching hate, calling for the damnation of our country, and still blaming the White man (wich has no place in todays society) are not things a "SPIRITUAL LEADER" Does.

Whenever I see a Black man preaching aginst the White man, I Immediatly ask myself if that statement he just made was reversed would the white man that said it be shunned. In most cases its yes, I grew up in a society where "all men are created equal" I do not remember segregation, slavery was not my fault, I am from the deep south "so what". I do not feel guilty. In my lifetime the man that has to watch out for what he says, is the White Man. The resentment or anger I feel is not because of the color of ones skin, it is because of the actions of that said person. If said person happens to be black then he can say and preach whatever and its ok, if he is white, and makes a comment "nappy headed hoes" intended to be funny to a target audience , villagers want his head on a stick, and get it. That is racism, but not the kind still being preached by MR. Wright.
Couldn't agree more but it goes farther than that , How about the United Negro College fund , If I only gave scholarships to underpriviliged white kids I would never be able to show my face in public again . But look on the bright side with the way things are going we will be the minority in the next few years .

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Old 10-14-08, 05:11 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Jim80 View Post
Couldn't agree more but it goes farther than that , How about the United Negro College fund , If I only gave scholarships to underpriviliged white kids I would never be able to show my face in public again . But look on the bright side with the way things are going we will be the minority in the next few years .


Except we wont be able to say anything about it or have a white human rights movement or we will be unemployed and have to have plastic surgery to alter our appearance.

Hell, could you imagine W.E.T (white entertainment television).

I am not taking anything away from minorites. I fully understand what happend to blacks, slavery, opression, segregation, racism. I understand the plight of rosa parks, I understand the Central High School drama in my home state. But you cant find a person under the age of 30 now who had to grow up with any of those things. Yes sometimes someone might say something to blacks to offend, but it works both ways. I owe them nothing but the respect I give any other person.

Hell, if they think they had it bad they should go talk to some Indians at a Casino. Their reperations consisted of some smallpox blankets and farmland in the desert.
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