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Old 07-13-12, 09:33 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by Abbeysdad View Post
I'll confess I'm disappointed in some here. Whining, Complaining and name calling about well deserved entitlements and/or helping the poor, hungry and disabled???

What about the billions spent in foreign aid to support governments and people that hate our stinking guts? What about the billions to bring democracy to hell holes like Iraq and Afghanistan? What about the zillion other ways that government works hard to waste money.

Years ago my wife became seriously ill and was bedridden for over two years. Denied twice, she was finally granted SSDI in federal court. We really didn't want SSDI, we wanted her life back...but we had to settle for less. She had worked for years prior, paying into the system. I don't consider it a handout, but rather a payback. It wasn't your money NFE, it was hers....just as my retirement isn't your money, it's a portion of mine being paid back. Unlike you, I fully expect to collect SS as social programs will be the very last to fail. Although being a baby boomer, I hope for the best and fear the worst.

> Lets cut foreign aid and pull the military out of foreign countries - we're not responsible for the world, only our part of it. We need to stay strong and make it understood that any foreign actions that threaten the global environment will not be tolerated, but we should no longer attempt to be the world police force.
> Lets more closely examine how/where our country spends money like drunken congressmen!
> Lets better educate our young (and older) people to better ensure their future and ours.
> Lets up the tariffs on foreign imports.
> Lets bring manufacturing and technological development back to America.
... I have some other more radical ideas (like legalizing, cleaning up and taxing the victim-less crime of prostitution), but I'll spare everyone - lol

I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on this entire post, up until that last sentence. A person doesn't have to be bleeding and unconscious to be a "victim". I smell a Stossell fan. Perhaps you should encourage Abbey to consider this career. NOT
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Old 07-13-12, 09:39 AM   #102
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The fact that you feel such hatred of me pretty much tells me I'm doing it right.

You're all so much more generous than least with other peoples' money.

So feel good about yourselves all you want. You haven't really done anything good. It's the people who paid the taxes that did, willingly or not.

Apparently, the world of bass fishing is full of Marxists.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.
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Old 07-13-12, 10:39 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
The fact that you feel such hatred of me pretty much tells me I'm doing it right.

You're all so much more generous than least with other peoples' money.

So feel good about yourselves all you want. You haven't really done anything good. It's the people who paid the taxes that did, willingly or not.

Apparently, the world of bass fishing is full of Marxists.
Yep, we're all Marxists, Communists, or, God Forbid, Democrats. We're all going fishing on our welfare bass boats. Thank you so much for that, Bryce. What a f&%#@ing moron. Let me amend that because a moron doesn't really know what he's saying. NFE knows exactly what he's saying. You would like to think that somewhere in his body would be an ounce of humanity. My guess is that he's just incomplete. It's really just kinda sad.
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Old 07-13-12, 10:45 AM   #104
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For all you liberal Democrats - who rail away at Republicans, that the Democrat propagandists like to say want to take away Social Security:

Notice in the above pie chart Social Security represents 1/5 of the Federal Budget. It was not intended, at inception, to be a part of the Federal Budget so how did it get in there? If you can say the Democrats are not thieves, then you have lost touch with reality.

Social Security was envisioned by President Franklin Roosevelt in the latter 1930's - YES a Democrat and a damn good one - and was known then as the Social Security Insruance Program (italics added). It was to be funded by employee and employeer contributions (tax) into a TRUST FUND and NOT be used for general spending. It was devised as an INSURANCE program, not WELFARE for the elderly. Payments were based on earnings, ie: the more you earned the more you paid AND the more you got back upon retirement. Those that pay in (this is important, for later) will get paid back at retirement. There was also a cap on earnings subject to the SS Tax. Great concept and it would be self sustaining today IF not for a few "tweaks".

In the mid-1960's President Lyndon Johnson - a Democrat - with support from the (then) Democratic Congress, took (STOLE) the Social Security Trust Fund and moved it into the General Fund (placing it in the pie chart above) to fund his "Great Society" and expand Welfare and help fund the Vietnam War. Social Security begins the road to ruin.

About 10 years later, Presiden Jimmy Carter - a Democrat - again with support from a Democratic Congress ammended Social Security to allow ANYONE, including NON-US citizens, that never paid a nickel into it collect Social Security benifits. They called it "Supplemental Social Security". WTF, and WTH pays for that?

1985, President Bill Clinton - a Democrat - with yet agian support from a Democratic Congress, but more importantly his V.P. Al Gore, slap a tax on Social Security benifits, initiating a tax on up to 85% of the Socail Security benifit. NEVERMIND the fact that contributers already paid tax on the money going into Social Security. This tweak was accomplished only after a hard fought battle in Congress, with even a few Democratic Congressmen seeing this was wrong and joining in opposition. It only passed after VP Al Gore - a Democrat, with later Presidential hopes - cast the deciding TIE-BREAKING vote.

I've seen a few call Social Security a PONZI SCHEME, that would be an somewhat accurate description, but one fostered by the Democrats.

The Republicans, on the other hand, have been warning for years that fraud, corruption, and expansion of benifits (free) to those that do not contribute to the program will bankrupt the system. THEY ARE CORRECT.

Currenty, there is more money going out then is comming in. It doesn't take an economist, CPA, or anyone with other than a minimum understanding of arithmatic to see the eventuality. Who is to blame for the dilemma afflicting Social Security today - none other then the Democratic give-away-artists. Had LBJ not stuck that huge nose of his into Social Securtiy and given precident for his Democratic successors to meddle with the original concept, there would be NO problem with the program. It would be solvent and self-sufficient.

The Democrats still haven't learned you CANNOT take money and give it away without limits or boundaries. The Democratic symbol of the Donkey is so appropriate, but the Jolly Roger flag could also be.

Back to the pie chart, had it not been for the theiving Democrats that orange slice would not be there. More importantly those funds could be used to expand the other slices of the pie that do need it. If you add up all the slices intended for "social programs" (SS, Medicare, Medicaid and Low-Income Assistance) it adds up to just under 47% of the Federal Budget.

Social Security, as originally intended, was not to be part of the Federal expense sheet (I think FDR knew what would happen and took steps for Social Security to be independant and untouchable for purposes other than a return on the investment of contributers) and it has become a huge slice of the pie. All due to a few Democratic fiddlings with a trust fund and turning it into a slush fund at the expense of every individual who has ever contributed towards Social Secutity hoping for their DUE supplement to their retirement years. I understand the disallusionment of the younger generation who have to pay into a system they see as not being available to repay them upon retirement. But at the same time, fail to see why they (generally) support the Democratic Party who has taken that away form them and will take more, if the opportunity presents itself.

Last edited by bassboogieman; 07-13-12 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 07-13-12, 10:48 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by carolina-rig-01 View Post
Well I will readily admit that this post went about 3 1/2 more pages than I expected before it got out of hand LOL.

Doc, I can appreciate your situation and I not only wish you didn't have to go through it but I admire you working as hard as you do to provide for your family. As I said earlier, I have no problem with people that need help getting it. Whether it's in the form of a government issued check or small charities, I think that helping people who need it is a responsibilty we all should shoulder. However I also believe that something has to be done to make it more difficult for people to abuse the system. Too many people would rather sit on their asses and draw a government check when they are perfectly able to get a job and earn an honest days pay if they would do it. You certainly don't sound to me like you fall in this catagory and I am glad your son is able to get the assistance he deserves. Now if we could do away with all the people who are abusing the system, the people who need help could get it and the tax payers would still notice less money being held out of their checks (as long as the government didn't come up with another place to spend that money. Hey a guy can dream can't he?).
Since I'm being portrayed as a person whom cant take care of themselves or their family, and mooch and take, I thought I would share that I am An IT administrator and AVP of the financial institution for which I am employed. I make better than average money. What "some People" do not understand is the financial burden caring for someone with a disability is like. My sons first hospital bill was $246,000.00 with no medical insurance (yes, I had insurance on me and my wife thru my employment) on pre-existing conditions. Therapy 3 times a week, botox shots every 3 months, walkers, etc... I would like to see him foot the bill by himself.

So, I do get a bit angry when someone spews forth garbage and ignorance from their mouth about a topic they know nothing about. To say that because I won the lottery and have a child with CP (1 in 500 chance by the way.) My family should suffer, my child should go without proper care, and I should be in financial ruin, is ****. (I'm sure you totally support your father in law, or whomever.) Get you some quarter million dollar bills in the mail and come back with your enlightened opinion on the subject.

I too would like remove the people boinking the system. I have to turn in my pay information to SS monthly, anytime I receive a 3rd paycheck in a month (paid bi-weekly) they are all over me. Contrary to popular belief the real prize is not no-fears check I receive every month (I looked, on the stub it says "taken from no-fear's paycheck. That makes me smile) It is the benefits that come along with the SSI (medicare). The working people whom receive benefits for someone else representative payees, are the people whom get hounded. For Social Security to leave you alone, you need to quit your job, then you can draw max benefits no problem. We have reviews every 3 months. I have to list anything in my home with over a $500 value. At the same time you can go to the SSI office and see people pull up in their new chargers. So, I agree that the system needs more accountability.

I challenge anyone whom thinks we should just "do away with the whole system" to walk into the Childrens hospital in your state, look at the families (alot of whom will be hard working people like me, If you like I can even give some examples of people we have met over the years.) and come back on here and say you still believe that. It's alot easier to call everyone mooches, and lazy until it effects you directly.
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Old 07-13-12, 11:20 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by doc View Post
What "some People" do not understand is the financial burden caring for someone with a disability is like.
Oh, I understand it perfectly. What I don't understand is how you think I'm somehow obligated to help. I help a lot of people you don't know about, and I'd rather not go into it, because I don't do it to score popularity points like some Democrat politician. I feel guilty even bringing it up.

To say that because I won the lottery and have a child with CP (1 in 500 chance by the way.) My family should suffer
What you're saying is because you "hit the lottery", other people should suffer. And, yes, I do feel that having my money taken from me at a point of a gun is suffering. The 5 extra years I'll have to spend working, rather than retiring and actually enjoying the fruits of my labor will definitely be suffering. I'm already anticipating how you'll hate me for comparing my having to work extra to the suffering of your kid. Well, if working extra is no big deal, then why don't you get off of the computer and get a third or fourth job to pay the bills yourself? Or daresay, get some private charity to help? Because you'd rather have others pay for it without having to be grateful. You ***** and moan about the hoops you have to jump through to get $250,000 bills paid for. You ought to be be doing cartwheels. LOL...I jump through hoops every day of my life to get the bills paid for. Welcome to the real world.

Oh, and Boogie...don't bother ruining a good argument by throwing in facts.

It's alot easier to call everyone mooches, and lazy until it effects you directly.
It's also easy to call the people picking up the tab greedy and evil, until you pick up the tab yourself.

Again, you play your sick kid like some kind of trump card. There is obviously no level of taxation on others that would cause you shame or even concern. You only worry about your problems.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.
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Old 07-13-12, 11:34 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
Oh, I understand it perfectly. What I don't understand is how you think I'm somehow obligated to help. I help a lot of people you don't know about, and I'd rather not go into it, because I don't do it to score popularity points like some Democrat politician. I feel guilty even bringing it up.

What you're saying is because you "hit the lottery", other people should suffer. And, yes, I do feel that having my money taken from me at a point of a gun is suffering. The 5 extra years I'll have to spend working, rather than retiring and actually enjoying the fruits of my labor will definitely be suffering. I'm already anticipating how you'll hate me for comparing my having to work extra to the suffering of your kid. Well, if working extra is no big deal, then why don't you get off of the computer and get a third or fourth job to pay the bills yourself? Or daresay, get some private charity to help? Because you'd rather have others pay for it without having to be grateful. You ***** and moan about the hoops you have to jump through to get $250,000 bills paid for. You ought to be be doing cartwheels. LOL...I jump through hoops every day of my life to get the bills paid for. Welcome to the real world.

Oh, and Boogie...don't bother ruining a good argument by throwing in facts.

It's also easy to call the people picking up the tab greedy and evil, until you pick up the tab yourself.

Again, you play your sick kid like some kind of trump card. There is obviously no level of taxation on others that would cause you shame or even concern. You only worry about your problems.
Republican or Democrat is irrelevant. I'm a conservative Republican...which I suppose is different than the radical variety. What is being said is so out of line of common decency and human dignity that I don't even know where to start.

A big freaking congrats to everyone that, through the grace of whatever you believe in, is able to stand upright, work for themselves, and whose family has not been stricken with outrageous medical bills that cannot be matter how many jobs you have.

I suppose when you do retire, NFE, that you have enough money put back that you never have to draw on your Social Security...because we all know that if you do happen to live long enough to last out your nest egg that you will certainly be taking more than you EVER paid in. Or, you can refuse and become poor and destitute and unable to afford clothes to change out of those soiled with the same **** that you are spewing to everyone today.

I believe that you should never let religion, race/ethnicity, or politics determine friendship or love. But having a downright disregard for others is beyond anything that I can fathom.

Maybe I am the idiot for mouthing to someone that I don't even know on the internet...(that was a setup boys, use it as you will) but my goodness where did you learn such things?
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Old 07-13-12, 11:41 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
Oh, I understand it perfectly. What I don't understand is how you think I'm somehow obligated to help. I help a lot of people you don't know about, and I'd rather not go into it, because I don't do it to score popularity points like some Democrat politician. I feel guilty even bringing it up.

What you're saying is because you "hit the lottery", other people should suffer. And, yes, I do feel that having my money taken from me at a point of a gun is suffering. The 5 extra years I'll have to spend working, rather than retiring and actually enjoying the fruits of my labor will definitely be suffering. I'm already anticipating how you'll hate me for comparing my having to work extra to the suffering of your kid. Well, if working extra is no big deal, then why don't you get off of the computer and get a third or fourth job to pay the bills yourself? Or daresay, get some private charity to help? Because you'd rather have others pay for it without having to be grateful. You ***** and moan about the hoops you have to jump through to get $250,000 bills paid for. You ought to be be doing cartwheels. LOL...I jump through hoops every day of my life to get the bills paid for. Welcome to the real world.

Oh, and Boogie...don't bother ruining a good argument by throwing in facts.

It's also easy to call the people picking up the tab greedy and evil, until you pick up the tab yourself.

Again, you play your sick kid like some kind of trump card. There is obviously no level of taxation on others that would cause you shame or even concern. You only worry about your problems.
I was not complaining about the hoops I have to jump thru to get the bills paid, I was trying to show your uninformed self that I do agree the system needs an overhaul, by giving examples of how people that truely need benefits are hounded because they work and do the right thing, while other do get to "milk" the system.
LOL, you sir are a sad pathetic person. I am/was not playing my kid as a trump card, nor needing your sympathy. I was trying to show you that there is good and real need for those programs. I have to say I would prefer you to stop referring to me or my child and I will stop responding to your ignorance. I knew better than to reply to your first statement because I've witnessed your tirades on these boards many times, and knew I was getting into a peeing match with a person whom is never wrong.
Just know this, I will from now on wright "thank you no-fear" on every check I cash.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:05 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
Oh, I understand it perfectly. What I don't understand is how you think I'm somehow obligated to help. I help a lot of people you don't know about, and I'd rather not go into it, because I don't do it to score popularity points like some Democrat politician. I feel guilty even bringing it up.

What you're saying is because you "hit the lottery", other people should suffer. And, yes, I do feel that having my money taken from me at a point of a gun is suffering. The 5 extra years I'll have to spend working, rather than retiring and actually enjoying the fruits of my labor will definitely be suffering. I'm already anticipating how you'll hate me for comparing my having to work extra to the suffering of your kid. Well, if working extra is no big deal, then why don't you get off of the computer and get a third or fourth job to pay the bills yourself? Or daresay, get some private charity to help? Because you'd rather have others pay for it without having to be grateful. You ***** and moan about the hoops you have to jump through to get $250,000 bills paid for. You ought to be be doing cartwheels. LOL...I jump through hoops every day of my life to get the bills paid for. Welcome to the real world.

Oh, and Boogie...don't bother ruining a good argument by throwing in facts.

It's also easy to call the people picking up the tab greedy and evil, until you pick up the tab yourself.

Again, you play your sick kid like some kind of trump card. There is obviously no level of taxation on others that would cause you shame or even concern. You only worry about your problems.
At last, the man's true character, or lack thereof, is finally revealed. Jesus must be so proud.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:16 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by Top Tiger View Post
At last, the man's true character, or lack thereof, is finally revealed. Jesus must be so proud.
Funny, liberals always endorse "separation of church and state" until it's time to justify separating people from their paychecks. If you really want to start using the bible as justification for laws in this country, go ahead. I'm sure that will work out okay for you.

Damn...where are Muddy and BassfishinWNY when we need some clearer heads?
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Old 07-13-12, 12:17 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Top Tiger View Post
At last, the man's true character, or lack thereof, is finally revealed. Jesus must be so proud.
Don't feed the bears, Tiger
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Old 07-13-12, 12:20 PM   #112
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Ok I lied, I'm back.
I want to know something very very important to me.
I've been eating these really really good cherries and I want to know, can I try and plant the seeds to grow or during the process of getting the fruit ready for market are the reproducing qualities destroyed.
Got a great apple tree, have a small pear tree, that to my amazement puts out huge amount of really sweet pears and I got a cherry tree.
The cherry tree has always produced but the cherries flat out stink, so I want at it again and instead of ordering from a book I thought why not find some I like and try and grow them.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:24 PM   #113
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Wow, I mean wow. I can not believe where this thread has gone. I hate politics because of this. We all know that the government is terrible right now and has been but reading over this thread has made me realize why. Its sad just truly sad. There are some things I agree that No Fear has said and a lot I don't, the same goes MO CPA, BassBoogie, Abbys, and many others but the fact that this has turned into a being fest of name calling and arguing shows where the problem is. People refuse to compermise and come to agreements. They are stubborn and steadfast that their way is the only way ( I can but both of these so I am not calling anyone out). This is the reason why this country is in the mess that it is in. I will be doing a write in vote next time for Penn Jillette. That is all
H.G.: No. What I did to those men, after I tracked them down? That's the worst pain you can experience.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:24 PM   #114
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Dang, I am ready for the Christmas in July thread to be the most popular on the site.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:28 PM   #115
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Joe, very subtle of you.

Actually, I think Abbeysdad is probably a good person to ask, as he is or has been involved in organic gardening I think (if memory serves).

We had some argument a while back about Wal-Mart produce or something.

My guess is they might be irradiated or something to keep you from growing your own. You can always put a couple of stones in a pot and see if they sprout.
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Old 07-13-12, 12:32 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
Funny, liberals always endorse "separation of church and state" until it's time to justify separating people from their paychecks. If you really want to start using the bible as justification for laws in this country, go ahead. I'm sure that will work out okay for you.

Damn...where are Muddy and BassfishinWNY when we need some clearer heads?
I do believe in the separation of church and state. I realize that our state is comprised of much more than Christians such as myself. Your statements however, go far beyond the realm of political discussion, they delve into the realm of humanity itself. So, on a strictly apolitical basis, I'll stand by my statement. " Jesus must be so proud."
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Old 07-13-12, 01:15 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by BassinBandit View Post
Wow, I mean wow. I can not believe where this thread has gone. I hate politics because of this. We all know that the government is terrible right now and has been but reading over this thread has made me realize why. Its sad just truly sad. There are some things I agree that No Fear has said and a lot I don't, the same goes MO CPA, BassBoogie, Abbys, and many others but the fact that this has turned into a being fest of name calling and arguing shows where the problem is. People refuse to compermise and come to agreements. They are stubborn and steadfast that their way is the only way ( I can but both of these so I am not calling anyone out). This is the reason why this country is in the mess that it is in. I will be doing a write in vote next time for Penn Jillette. That is all
People have been arguing over politics for ever Bandit. If anything, you can say that the situation has improved...mere jabs may be one thing but I don't see another Hamilton - Burr incident in the works here.
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Old 07-13-12, 01:18 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by nofearengineer View Post
Joe, very subtle of you.

Actually, I think Abbeysdad is probably a good person to ask, as he is or has been involved in organic gardening I think (if memory serves).

We had some argument a while back about Wal-Mart produce or something.

My guess is they might be irradiated or something to keep you from growing your own. You can always put a couple of stones in a pot and see if they sprout.
Last time I planted 'my stones' I ended up with a son.....not willing to take that chance again!
Thanks for the input Bryce!
Anyone else have any ideas?
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Old 07-13-12, 01:42 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by MO_CPA View Post
People have been arguing over politics for ever Bandit. If anything, you can say that the situation has improved...mere jabs may be one thing but I don't see another Hamilton - Burr incident in the works here.

Actually what I was hoping for was to settle WWE style, 8 man tornado tag, falls count any where, tables ladders and chairs match. I will ref it should be fun
H.G.: No. What I did to those men, after I tracked them down? That's the worst pain you can experience.
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Old 07-13-12, 01:56 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by BassinBandit View Post
Actually what I was hoping for was to settle WWE style, 8 man tornado tag, falls count any where, tables ladders and chairs match. I will ref it should be fun
Bassin, you and I in a wrestling ring is a scary thought.
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Old 07-13-12, 02:37 PM   #121
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I'll sell tickets to that......I bet we could make some money on it.
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Old 07-13-12, 02:39 PM   #122
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I'd hate to go LEEEEROY JENKINS!!!! on you all.
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Old 07-13-12, 02:52 PM   #123
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Default , for those that don't get the reference.
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Old 07-13-12, 04:16 PM   #124
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We'll see how many votes the Democrats get in my state, Pa. now that there is voter id required. I've worked in the same place for 12 years now. I see the same people come in and use welfare to purchase their food. Most of them are able bodied. It's sickening to see these people spending money that should go to those in real need. Most of them buy steak, lobster, shrimp and other high priced items. It's all races too. Some of them have multiple cards (welfare cards similiar to credit cards so they are not ebarrassed using welfare).
you can have my fishin rod when ya take it from my cold dead hands
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Old 07-13-12, 04:22 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by MississippiBoy View Post
I'll sell tickets to that......I bet we could make some money on it.
What's this we ****--MY SON MY MONEY
The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. keep us free:
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