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Old 02-26-15, 11:14 PM   #26
BassFishin.Com Super Veteran
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by mikechell View Post
Sorry ... just gotta do it.
I realy don't understand most of what you post but this one really throws me for a loop.

Maybe I'm missing something.
I've heard many a member who learned things from this conversation and even a couple thank yous.

Maybe instead of bashing a good thread you should find something YOU feel is a better topic or conversation.

I understand, the poor poor big company.
I am so sorry they can't make more money.
We aren't even saying they shouldn't.
But should my rights and abilities to make a lure at home be hurt because you and your big company friends have more money than my next door nieghbor or the retired guys I take fishing who CAN'T afford new line much more a 'chatterbait'.

I don't work for free and I don't expect anything I don't EARN.
I've been selfemployed my whole life and frankly have done well.
Just incase your not aware, that means EVERY SINGLE YEAR I PAY 7.5% more than employed people for something I will probably never see.
I grew up dirt poor, 5 kids and a single Mom who busted her *** to make things good for HER CHILDREN. NEVER asked for a penny from anyone!
But I also started working at ten years old AND PAYING TAXES.
So you guys can feel sorry for the BIG companies because we all know they never do 'anything' wrong!

Trust me, I and my whole family (siblings) are probably on the upper end earners. (top ten% of income,wages. Which frankly just means you earn barely over a hundred grand a year)

Feel free to pity me.
But don't forget the poor guy/lady raising 5 kids, busting thier *** working multiple jobs just to eat.
They deserve my respect more than ANY COMPANY including MINE!
Sorry nofear but your pity is placed wrong too.

The problem with the trickle down theory is, IT AIN'T TRICKLING DOWN!
It isn't the flood up theory.

So Mike come up with a better thing to discuss or keep your cartoons to yourself!
You have started EXACTLY TWO THREADS, one about weather and one thanking a guy I GREATLY RESPECT (Ya you MIKE).

Seems to me that your the wrong person to be criticing original threads!
"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

Last edited by joedog; 02-26-15 at 11:22 PM.
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