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Old 10-04-15, 09:04 AM   #1
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Default Capt Dave and Capt Mike Adventure Week

After the weekend crew packed up and left Capt Dave and I worked on the dock and fixed a bunch of stuff around the house. That ate up our Monday.
Tuesday we headed up the Dragon is some high winds. We arrived at low tide and for the next four hours as the tide came in we caught well over 20 bowfin and a dozen LGMouth. We had two bowfin hooked at a time, several times.

What a fantastic morning. I lost two topwater baits to the bowfin.

On Wednesday we brought Kris (learning to fish) with us and found a great bite again as the tide came in. The flooded fields of the Dragon at extreme high tide turned out to be an untapped resource. Horny toads and swimbaits produced some fantastic hits and we even landed a few. One snakehead that came unbuttoned half way in also. And some LGMouth in the mix. No pics as we where having too much fun. Kris learned to "set the hook" that trip having missed about 6 nice fish. The bite ended before he completed his lesson.

Thursday with the weather going bad we decided to pull my Mako off the lift and do a little fishing. The colder air and drizzle made for some tough fishing. So we did some white perch fishing for dinner. Kris kept getting hits and could never hook up, we had a dozen for dinner and I noticed Kris had no hook on his lure. Capt Dave handed him his rod and two casts later lucky 13 was in the livewell. Lesson two "Have a hook"

Friday we canceled the weekend trip and packed up to come home. Capt Dave had a spectacular trailer tire blow out on the way home and I managed to get home with out a wheel falling of my trailer. However a tree fell on my truck Friday night. Damage was not bad. At least not as bad as Tuesday when my truck slipped off the road into a deep ditch. Oh always an adventure.

Capt Mike
Capt Dave
Capt Mike Starrett light tackle guide Potomac River
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Old 10-05-15, 01:16 PM   #2
BassFishin.Com Active Member
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Are you targeting Bowfin? I think they are a great fight, but I only catch them as a, "Oh, it's a Bowifin" type thing. Rarely have I seen one before trying to catch it. And almost always, if I see it first, I catch it. They are easy to fool with a small fry looking imitation.

Nice to see some bass. Bowfin and Snakeheads are fun, but there's just something about catching a nice big BASS.
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Old 10-09-15, 07:29 AM   #3
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I've never caught a bowfin, but I've seen them follow my bait a couple times, only to turn away. I'd like to tussle with one sometime. Sounds like you had fun!
Just one more cast, and then some!
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Old 10-12-15, 09:51 AM   #4
BassFishin.Com Active Member
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We absolutely target bowfin. We and our customers catch bass here in MD.

When we go down to VA, it's all about the bowfin!
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