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Old 11-04-12, 11:35 AM   #1
BassFishin.Com Super Veteran
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Unhappy WoW, I guess this guy knew what he was talking about

03-06-2007, 02:39 PM
"Lucky Craft" and other High end...or supposed High end imported lures are setting a "Dangerous Trend in the Market Place!"

If we anglers continue to buy,purchase the High priced $$$$ Japanese lures we are going to contribute to the lifting in prices of the other HardBaits that have traditionally been "Packed Out"on our sporting goods shelves.

Pradco,Rapala,Manns'.Pure fishing,Terminator,Bill Lewis,Strike King and the rest of the average priced Cranbaits will follow in the Bottom line impact that "Lucky Craft Lures" is setting!

I,for one will take a Manns' Baby 1-Minus Elite series over a Lucky craft anyday of the week!The Japanese people generally pay more for most of their products due to their economy and pricing range overseas.

In hopes of vindicating this argument;I would rather lose an average priced USA made Lure when snagged instead of a "High Priced" Japanese immitation Cranker!

"Lucky Craft" is selling about 3,000,000 baits a year and that number continues to grow.If we contribute to their sales figures we will undoubtedly add to the increase of the prices of the Traditional Crankbaits and other lures we all have purchased in the past! Just imagine, 3,000,000 baits a year at $20 a pop.

The indication in the Retail Market place is definatley showing a pattern of ...Following the Leaders...So I implore us all as anglers to join together and continue to purchase MADE in the USA Lures and products when it comes to buying Lures.

This Bottom line impact is obvious and it is up to us,the educated consumer in the Outdoor sporting Market to set the pricing standards.Let's Ban together and Be aware,and Beware when purchasing lures!

Heddon,Bomber,Cotton Cordell,Rebel,Creek Chub,and many other American made lures will skyrocket in price if we allow the Japanese to control the priceline!

As the Senior Members here at the "Barn" have stated time and time again...It's not the Lure...It's the Skilled anglers who produce and "Catch Em Up!

Regards, & as always...
Tight Lines!

This was obviously a copy and paste but check out the date. You price a Rebel recently? Now this guy is picking on Lucky Craft but the weren't and aren't alone.

I found this researching Carolina's Pradco post.
Now I know in today's fishing world, unless your fishing crawlers on a 'stick' pole (canes an import, right?) there is no way no how you can 'stick to your guns' buying made in the USA.
Trust me I tried.

But I had to share this because I'VE felt this for a LONG time.
$1.25 for a hook. (Trokar)
$1.50 for a sinker. (Tungsten)
$18 for a spool of 125 ft. of line.

Won't even go further.
Ya thinking Trokars are NOW cheaper to make? NO, their $12 price point didn't take. And WE ALL like a SALE, even if the 'sale price' is still's cheaper than it was!

"Fishing isn't life or death... it's more important than that."

Last edited by joedog; 11-04-12 at 11:44 AM.
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