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Old 08-09-12, 09:53 PM   #1
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Default If you only knew...

Hi fellow anglers,

As you all well know, I consider myself as one of the least educated fisherman among my peers here at Because of that, I am very anxious to learn and I haven't ever met a fisherman that isn't pumped about teaching

So, if each of you were teaching a beginner bass fisherman, what would be the top 3 things you would make sure they knew? Could be lure selection, location selection, rod setup, boat setup and etc. Would the answer be different if you were to lay out your top 3 things to an experienced fisherman?
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Old 08-09-12, 10:03 PM   #2
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learn how to use your equipment.keep it simple as far as tackle and lures go buy a few of each till you know how to use them. learn to be verstile..if you always beat the bank go deep.
the only easy day was yesterday
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Old 08-09-12, 10:23 PM   #3
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That's a great question! I am very interested in hearing the answers, I will think about it and throw my 2 cents in too.
There are 3 kinds of people in the world…those who can count and those who can’t. HRN4L
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Old 08-09-12, 10:25 PM   #4
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I would and have taught them the three things it takes to catch fish on a Texas Rigged Plastic Worm. casting accuracy, move it with the rod tip, set the hook.
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Old 08-09-12, 10:53 PM   #5
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Practice your casting techniques untill your proficiant at it.
Study seasonal behavior patterns of bass.
Learn all you can about the behaviors of the basses prey in the waters you fish.
Just one more cast, and then some!
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Old 08-09-12, 10:58 PM   #6
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That is a good question but a "3 part" answer is tough and probably a diservice.

!. Attach yourself at the hip to the absolute best fisherman in your world. Study their every move, ask them countless questions and always ask why?
2. Spend every minute humanly possible (forsaking all else that you responsibly can) on and in the water.
3. see #2 and 3
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Old 08-09-12, 10:59 PM   #7
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Teach him to always kneel down, facing away from the wind to pee.
Teach him to chip in for fuel.
Teach him to bring his own beer.
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Old 08-09-12, 11:34 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by kennethdaysale View Post
That is a good question but a "3 part" answer is tough and probably a diservice.
Feel free to provide as many or as few as you would like folks. Don't get hung up on the is just what came to my head. Give me one goodin' if you got it
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Old 08-10-12, 06:35 AM   #9
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Climb a tree with a cage of crickets or a can of nightcrawlers, find a limb to sit on that hangs over 2-3 ft of clear water.
This should be done in the morning, in the springtime, in an unpressured body of water less than 10 acres.
Drop a few crickets in the water, the bluegills/baitfish will soon appear, keep them active with a steady cricket drop, soon the bass will arrive, watch what unfolds.

This advise is good for a young beginner for lots of reasons. It shows them how bass approach/stalk/capture their prey. Perhaps more importantly it builds confidence and helps them learn to visualize what's often not visible while actually fishing.

I spent countless hours sitting on overhanging tree limbs as a kid. I can't really find the right words or a good analogy this early but I'm convinced that all those hours watching and waiting gave me more confidence and ability to read water than my future fellow anglers who might have had better mechanics/equipment/boats etc.

You can read all the books and study all the videos and forum posts in the world, but the ability to make good on the water decisions and smart on the fly adjustments at some point just becomes intuitive.
Sometimes you gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

Last edited by kennethdaysale; 08-10-12 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 08-10-12, 08:28 AM   #10
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"An ounce of biology is worth a pound of tackle!" Dick Bengraff

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Old 08-10-12, 08:51 AM   #11
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ok mo...if i were to tell a NEW person how ot fish and what would be my BEST advise, i would tell the person...PATIENCE,PATIENCE, PATIENCE.. for real.

don't get mad and quit jsut because they ain't biting every time oyu sling it out. most PROS will tell oyu they fish for 8 hrs to catch 5 fish. and alot of times they don't get 5 hits in 8 hrs.

now if oyu're ME, oyu don't get a bite all day, lol. and for real there are times i don't. there are days like that. and if oyu're out there JUST to catch're out for the wrong reason my firend. relax, enjoy the day. and fish like oyu don't care if oyu get a bite or not.

this is truly jsut my opion. sure i want to catch 10 pounders every time i go, but i don't. and i have a great time jsut floating on the water.
so many lures, so little time.
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Old 08-10-12, 09:58 AM   #12
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Learn to take care of your equipment.

When you catch a bass,make mental notes of what just happened,as in ''Why did I catch that bass?''

Time on the water is the best education.
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Old 08-10-12, 10:28 AM   #13
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I am in the process of working with my sons right now. My 3 main goals right now are:
1) Theirs and my safety. They are not throwing treble hooks yet. I have been working them with senkos and plastics with a texposed hook.

2) I am keeping it simple with lures. They want to throw all the flash, but the are getting plastics and spinner baits right now. They are having good luck on the plastics, but I keep reminding them to pay attention and setting the hook instead of the fish hooking itself. The feel will come in due time.

3) Trying remain patient with them on the casting. They seemed to be fishing for squirrels on the last outing. But I remember the same days when I was young.
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Old 08-10-12, 01:03 PM   #14
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Opinions are like a certain part of the human anatomy - every has them, so here are mine (and the ones I taught my grandkids):

1. Assume nothing you read or hear giving reasons why bass or fish in general bite certain lures - don't believe it. Bass are reaction biters and strike for many reasons humans can only guess at. They don't know a spring craw from a winter craw or an alewife from a fat head minnow, so never buy lures based on what is advertised as 'realistic'. Impart to the newbie that bass prefer to strike an unrealistic artificial at times far more than the real thing swimming nearby - just because.

2. As part of #1, keep an open mind as to what fish might bite on any day. It could be a large bait or small lure; it could be light colored or flashy or subdued; it might be noisy or subtle or finesse. In any case, fish appreciate lures that they haven't experienced in a while or ever. Everyone using jigs?, use a worm. No one using crankbaits?, cast them to scour the depths. Tie on a spinnerbait - you never know or swim a small grub.

3. As part of #2, find the lure speed fish prefer that day. It could be slow or medium, but use lures that can be worked at a particular speeds and cadences.

4. Use the smallest line diameter that will allow the best lure action at any depth.

5. Know the depth you are in and when targeting fish, get your lures to them. No point in using topwaters when you know fish are down 15'. As part of #2, realize the variety of depths fish may be at. Some could be lolling in 3' under some pads and others hanging in some weed pockets in much deeper water. Sonar is the best way to know a water's bottom composition and configuration.

6. Fishing success is based on potential and luck. You rate lures and fish locations after having the luck at having found a potential pattern (if one or more exists). A good, active fish pattern allows for many types of lures to be used in one or more similar locations. Other than that, it's hit or miss.

7. Lure color can be important but changing colors can be more important even in the same day. Again realism is not necessary and lure action and how one works the lure trumps color.

8.Fish with others and remember what they caught fish on, where and apply most of the above. His or her experience is your experience and a nice way to spend the day.

9. Never assume tomorrow will be the same as today - good or bad. You just never know....

Last edited by senkosam; 08-10-12 at 03:21 PM.
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Old 08-10-12, 02:27 PM   #15
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Thanks guys...I plan on reading each of these through carefully over the weekend. If anyone else has anything please add your two cents.

KDS, I like your idea a ton. The only problem is finding a limb that will hold a 300lb MO_CPA over the water without breaking
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Old 08-10-12, 03:02 PM   #16
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now if oyu're ME, oyu don't get a bite all day, lol. and for real there are times i don't. there are days like that. and if oyu're out there JUST to catch're out for the wrong reason my firend. relax, enjoy the day. and fish like oyu don't care if oyu get a bite or not.
'Bama, you gotta practice more, you mis-spelled oyu're, that's totally unacceptable. I'm LMFOA at that oyu devious devil oyu.
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Old 08-11-12, 01:35 AM   #17
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sorry bruce....i'll try harder to remedy that. lol!!
so many lures, so little time.
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Old 08-11-12, 06:29 AM   #18
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Patience, practice...and join a forum like this.
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Old 08-11-12, 11:07 AM   #19
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I have been teaching my son for the past 3 seasons.

1.)Practice: You need to know how to use the tools

2.)Location: You have to find the fish to begin to catch them.

3.)Presentation: Selecting the right tools to do the job.

He's mastered these 3 and now kicking my butt all over the water! Were working on boat controll. Patience was a gift from his mother, Something I don't have much of.
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Old 08-14-12, 10:20 AM   #20
Rev. Colt
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I would tell them these three things....

1. Make sure you have the right kind of rod, reel, line, and line weight when fishing. Never underestimate your equipment. Being able to make a cast 3 more feet could determine your success on the water. Also, concerning equipment, use a line treatment. I personally like KVD's brand the best. It really does make a difference.

2. Remember the fish are biting somewhere on the lake and are hitting something. You just have to figure it out. I remember one time fishing Lake Fork and throwing Texas rigged plastics and top water for several hours and getting nothing. While one guy was throwing top water, one a Texas rigged worm, the other guy decided to cast on the other side of the boat with a deep diving crank bait. He caught one, two, and then all three of us changed and slayed them for the next four hours. It was a blast!

3. Get out and fish. The more you study the craft, learn about it, and practice it the better you will become. But, it is like golf. You need to do it a lot to get good at it. Part of it is luck, but there have been times when it seems like the other guy is having a lot more luck than I am.
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