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Old 08-23-12, 06:31 AM   #1
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Talking As I sit and wait...I started wondering....

dusk or dawn?

As I'm sitting here waiting for the dawn I wondered whats better, dawn fishing or dusk fishing.
Example; In the fall as the nights cool the morning bite 'seems' to slow a little. In the summer it's the opposite, it seems to increase a little.
These changes seem to be less noticable at dusk. Or is this all in my head.
Spring seems to bring a better dusk bite. I'm thinking giving the sun a chance to work it's majic.
Shouldn't fall be the same?

So what do you folks think?
Given a choice, would you rather do dusk or dawn? And as always. WHY?

Yes I am aware we don't have a choice always and we are all going to fish whenever we can.
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Old 08-23-12, 07:20 AM   #2
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For me, it's always been dawn. I'm normally on the water before the sun is up, but light enough to run the boat. Love the morning mist on the water and the peace and quiet out there (at least until the rest of the thundering herd arrives). Best time for a shallow bite, IMO.
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Old 08-23-12, 07:32 AM   #3
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Dawn, not as many bugs, and you get to fish more after the sun is up. Dusk, you're done fishing once it's dark, unless you want to do some night fishing, which is sometimes necessary during the summer heat, and the fish are biting.
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Old 08-23-12, 08:39 PM   #4
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dawn...NOTHING like watching the sun rise up.
so many lures, so little time.
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Old 08-24-12, 06:47 AM   #5
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Like DM said unless you've got some night fishing planned the evening trip put's you up against a deadline (which I hate). A morning trip always seems to excite me more for lots of reasons, always reminds me of my teenage years when I got my first truck and boat and could go whenever and wherever I wanted to. Sliding the boat into a cool quite foggy lake in the pre-dawn stillness breathless with the anticipation of finding some topwater fish starving for a Rapala always makes a 16 yr old feel like a man. The whole experience just seemed surreal to me .....and still does!
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Old 08-24-12, 01:25 PM   #6
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I agree with everyone for I too for the peace and nature aspect reasons enjoy the mornings. And if shorebusting the lack of company means everything.

But what I was more aiming at is the 'bite' better early as opposed to dusk.
Does that seem to change with the seasons?

I am one of the fortunate few who actually am able to fish both ALOT.
With cooler nights the early bite has faded. Actually one pond there is scattered success early but the hour to hour and a half after sun reaches a hieght that you see the sun, not just light, the bite is hot....then fades, consistently once the cooler night air starts up.
The change is most evident in the fall. The rest of the year it's a toss up witch will be more productive.

So once your done 'enjoying' yourself in you catch more fish, dawn or dusk?
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Old 08-24-12, 01:41 PM   #7
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Joe this is just me. I like my odds of getting bit during the evening bite in the spring and fall. In the springtime the water temps are as high as they're going to get late in the afternoon. Same in the late fall. I'm more confident in a morning bite once water temps hit 70ish.

If you really want to think about a head scratcher, do some research about the 24 hour cycles of Dissolved Oxygen content (especially in a summertime weedy lake) and how that influences fish activity.
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Old 08-24-12, 03:54 PM   #8
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I prefer fishing afternoon/evening, just because I have some physical limitations and am worn out after 4 hours of fishing, so fishing in the morning ends up taking up the entire day.
In terms of catching fish, my experience has been that it seems to vary from one lake/river to another. One place, the fish seem to turn on at dawn, turn off at 10:00. Another, the bite seems to start at sunset. In terms of night fishing, an LCD light on my hat takes care of any problems.
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Old 08-24-12, 04:06 PM   #9
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If you really want to think about a head scratcher, do some research about the 24 hour cycles of Dissolved Oxygen content (especially in a summertime weedy lake) and how that influences fish activity. Ken

I did that but by the time I got done I think I was more confused.
Different plants and grasses absorb and use, plus create oxygen at such different rates and such plus. The suns angle and where your located to the said area....It was way to much to absorb for my mind anyways.
I went so far as to call around trying to get actual vegetation estimates from DNR and such. Very little info availble on actual present plants or grasses in a specific BOD.

Thanks Ken and for that matter, EVERYONE!
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