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Old 12-16-16, 07:34 PM   #1
BassFishin.Com Super Veteran
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Default 2016 Review

2016 started out with some colder than normal water temps. The catfish bite was a wee bit off. But the water did warm up and the bite got better.

But now it was time for crappie..They hit very well all pre-season. Good size ones too. A cold snap shut them down for a week, but we still caught a bunch of green trout.

It warmed a bit and you can see what happens.

And just as soon as it started it ended.. it was a good month plus. And the bite lasted till Mid May as the spawn was staggered out due to the cold snap.

I took a trip to Key West and fished all along the way.

Back to MD and time for some back water fishing for snakehead AKA Potomac Pike and LGMouth
First Potomac Pike was mid June while the LGMouth never stopped hitting our top water lures.

Had one of those rare evenings where the fish almost jumped in the boat.

Took a break and did some cobia down in NN. ..Found some small ones on the hottest day of the year it felt like fishing on the sun....

Next month and half chased bowfin mostly.

In the middle of all that fun decided to go fishing with some buddies on the Northwest River and had a blast.
Nice not to push pole the boat around all day and do some fun fishing.

At the end of October drove down to fish Guntersville and Houma.

Did some more catfish back in MD and it was good.

Heading for Buxton in a week and can hardly wait that long.
Capt Mike
Capt Dave
Capt Mike Starrett light tackle guide Potomac River
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