To Anglers Who Want To Stop Buying Junk

...and to Those Who Need Proof A Product Works

Announcing The Most Researched Tackle Store Online

"Don't Buy Any Tackle Until You Have Visited These Product Pages"

The BassFishin.Com Store

Discover A Wealth of Valuable Information Simply By Clicking A Product

While Everyone Else Is Offering More...

We Offered Less.  For You.

From: Kevin Scarselli


If you've been thirsting for awesome fishing tackle and proof they work… you'll love this!

We created an online tackle store that caters only to the best products on the market. This store gives you huge advantages that other tackle stores simply can't match…

  • You are given ultra-revealing information about each product so you can make wise buying decisions.
  • You will discover why these products are great, how they work, and what they can do for you.
  • These products are personal recommendations of mine. I use them. I use them all the time.

But what makes The BassFishin.Com Store truly special is…

You'll Buy Based On The Information We Provide...

Not Simply The Recommendation

There is a ton of tackle out there, but you are only looking for a FEW great products. So we arm you with the information and proof you need to be highly educated about the best products.

You'll discover in a fun and informative way why these products will…

  • Make you a better bass fisherman.
  • Save you precious time and aggravation (no more spending hours aimlessly wondering page by page wondering what products are good and bad)
  • Save you hard-earned money (no more buying unproven junk that doesn’t work)
  • Improve your overall quality-of-life as an angler.

So get started by clicking on a product above… ANY PRODUCT! …That’s the best part… They are all for you!

Your Friend,

Kevin Scarselli Signature

Kevin Scarselli

Founder, BassFishin.Com

About Kevin Scarselli

Residing in Annapolis Maryland, Kevin Scarselli founded BassFishin.Com in the mid-90's and has pursued bass fishing endeavors his entire life. Kevin frequents the many rivers and lakes of the Delmarva region and travels extensively fishing well-known fisheries across the country in his 21' Triton bass boat. Also an avid saltwater fisherman just minutes from his saltwater fishing boat on the Chesapeake Bay (Severn River). For a changeup from the usual large and smallmouth bass, Kevin enjoys targeting rockfish, flounder and seabass.

As Seen In Los Angeles Times and Field and Stream