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Old 06-20-13, 01:10 PM   #1
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Default Battery charger question

The battery charger on my boat is a 5 amp 3 bank charger. If i am fishing on weekend (normally just on Saturday) i usually hook up around Thursday and batteries are fully charged for a day trip.
MY question is this.
I am going on a 4 day trip in September and am wondering if the batteries will all charge back up sufficiently overnight with say just 10 hours or so of charging. Don't want to have trolling motor die out in middle of day.
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Old 06-20-13, 02:08 PM   #2
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We could talk numbers here, but since there's plenty of time between now and your trip, just run the batteries down some weekend, and see how long they take to charge back up. Real world results trumps theoretical.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.
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Old 06-20-13, 03:04 PM   #3
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As an example mine with a 15 a charger about 14hrs ,not quite topping it off and each day with ten to 12 hrs its a lil weaker,with a 20 a it takes 12 hrs a lot depends upon amp hr rating,and no boat is exactly alike even electrically,should in theory with say 12 hr charges give you one great day ,one good day, and one half day longer if you dont use it as much ,avoid going against the wind try to drift with it.Ive only done it three days running and using say 7 hrs per day
Like he said the real world trumps theoretical,but now you have a guesstimate,and that is all it is.I have a bud with a different brand boat and troller and his charges in 12hrs with a 15 a,suspect he also has less battery meaning lower amp rating.

Last edited by lilmule; 06-20-13 at 03:10 PM.
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Old 06-25-13, 05:41 PM   #4
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I would never un-plug the charger as most have a float charge. If the batteries are old then I would worry but if only two years old then no worry.

Capt Mike
Capt Mike Starrett light tackle guide Potomac River
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Old 06-25-13, 07:06 PM   #5
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The type of usage you place on your batteries determines what charger you should be using. Recreational boaters can easily get by with a 15a (5a per battery) multi-charger as they don't fish every day and have plenty of time to recharge the batteries between trips. Every day usage requires a larger charger to get the job done overnight. You likely will not get a full charge overnight with the smaller charger, but sufficient to operate the t/m for a day's fishing because it's unlikely you will completely drain your batteries each day (unless you are fishing an electric only lake, then you may have a problem). If you come in during the day, for a meal or other reason - plug in the charger.
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