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Old 07-21-13, 03:10 PM   #1
BassFishin.Com Active Member
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Default Boat Ramps

Fellows, I would like to start a thread on boat ramp problems, specifically backing your trailer tires off the end of the concrete slab into a hole and resulting in the trailer frame setting on the concrete with the tires hanging off over the hole and up past the horizontal tire axle thus preventing you from pulling the trailer forward. I have done this twice. OK, call me stupid. My trailer has a leaf spring hangar bracket that will catch on the end of the concrete ramp and it stops the trailer and truck dead. No way to move forward. The first time I went into the water was up to my neck, ducked under water, clutched the trailer frame, and was able to stand back up and lift the back of the trailer. Then a buddy pulled the truck forward. The second time the water at the end of the ramp was too deep. I was swimming around and treading water trying to touch the bottom. So I had to walk out on the ramp to the end, about waist deep on me, reach down and lift a trailer cross member. I can say it's a much heaver lift up closer to the hitch.
So what to do? Since my problems I have heard several tips on a solution to lift the trailer. One is to run the winch strap out over the trailer and under the back of the trailer. Then float the boat up to the back of the trailer and fasten the winch strap to the bow. Turn the winch and the tightening of the strap will lift the trailer.
Another tip is to float the bow of the boat up to the back of the trailer and drop your anchor and then lift it up to catch the back of the trailer. Then lift the back of the trailer with the anchor rope.
Another tip was to use a 4x4 post with a roller on one end. Walk out to the end of the concrete, pulling the winch strap with you, set the post on end and place the strap over the pulley and down to hook on to the trailer cross member. Hold the post at an angle away from the wench and have someone tighten the winch and that will lift the trailer.
Another fisherman showed me his trailer. He had bolted a triangle piece of steel to the frame on each side of his trailer. When his tires rolled off the concrete the trailer was resting on the triangle. He could back up more and still pull his trailer out. The base (straight) of the triangle runs along the top of the trailer frame. The vertical part is near his tires, and the hypotenuse of the triangle runs from the front of his tire up to the frame.
Anyone ever backed off a ramp?
Anyone have a tip on what to do when backed off a ramp?
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Old 07-21-13, 03:28 PM   #2
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Those are some really awesome tips, I have never thought to do so many of those things...

I have a small boat and have gone swimming twice. But its nothing to lift my trailer. I wonder if there are trailers that are big enough that any of the above is not an option?

I sure would hate to run off the edge of the ramp in winter.
Selling live waterdogs for less since 2005.
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Old 07-21-13, 04:46 PM   #3
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Yup winter pool its much lower and one can go off the end so to speak have almost always been able to get back up,but at times barely.Run the boat on if empty tie strap down,then run another larger buckle strap around boat and trailer boat will float the trailer,somewhat and let you pull up.Trailer is under the boat so submerged,ever see a set of rails coming from a house to lake,they have a winch ,run boat on and it winches up to house,they got the trailer there by strapping to boat,once there left,just runs up and down from house to lake,and steep no way to drive to back side.
The contractors that set those up run the boat with trailer strapped to it from ramp to that house,again more than just trailer straps additional ones.It wont clear the concrete but let the tires hit it.Helps if its warm water.Since winter pool means cooler yeah ive been in at 50- 52f over my head,but got it out.
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Old 07-22-13, 04:46 AM   #4
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I can vouch that the 4x4 post works (it's about 6 foot long) as my friend constructed one and once at a boat ramp we gave it a try and it lifted the back of my trailer. Of course I didn't back the trailer off the ramp for the test, I just backed to the very end of the concrete.
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