Extra Details
- Water Clarity:
- Stained
- Water Temp:
- 53
Potomac Fishing Report
Saturday - April 11th, 2009
- Posted By
- 3dkicker
Cold, overcast, windy and a few snow flakes after noon.
Fished some flats and laydowns without success. Went to a creek point and partner caught a 17-18" striper on a trap. Fished another flat with crankbait, lipless crank, and swim bait without catching anything. Started to make a run but due to the cold temps we pulled up at a creek mouth and started fishing the flats. Caught a couple short fish on crankbait and lipless. Partner hooked a 5+ on the crankbait and I picked up a 3.5 on the lipless. Fished the down river flat and found a school of bass in a grass bed. Loaded the boat with 14 and 15" bass for the next hour and a half. Each had our limit and threw back three limits of 14" bass. Fished in the creek and only picked up one keeper off of emerging spatterdock. This fish was caught on a Kaotic Punisher. Ran up river and hit a couple more main river areas. My partner caught another 4+ on the crankbait and I caught two more keepers that culled, one that was over 4lbs, on a crankbait. Our best 5 weighed 19-20lbs so it was a good day on the water.